Pesticide Pills
Did you happen to see the FDA notice last September concerning internal flea and tick treatments? The FDA is now reporting that those convenient chewable pills of neurotoxin are actually likely to be causing neurological issues and behavior problems in dogs. “Dogs and cats with no known prior medical history of muscle tremors, ataxia, and seizures have experienced those adverse reactions to this class of flea and tick preventive pesticides.”
To that I say, No Dah! I said the same thing three years ago. The first question I find myself asking training clients that are concerned with aggression from their dogs is, “what type of flea and tick preventative are you using?”
The FDA is not removing internal flea and tick preventatives from the market, instead they will all have to carry an FDA warning on their packaging.
“a toxic load to the brain with Fluralaner in dogs cannot be ruled out clearly: fluralaner has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system of fleas and ticks by blocking the nerve impulses to the cell memebranes. The parasites are paralyzed and die from it.” (About bravecto and fluralaner by Dr. Frauke Garbers, biologist)
Pesticides are given as a pill where they must travel through the digestive tract, liver and kidneys and only then are distributed throughout the blood stream. As a neurotoxin, the affects are spread to all nerve cells within the stomach and intestines as well as the central nervous system and of course the brain. The result is not only potential behavior and nervous system dysfunctions, but liver and kidney and digestive problems as well. Additionally, the intestines are the starting point and control center for the immune system. Negative affects on the cells within the gut lead to immune related problems such as allergies, auto-immune disease, irritable bowel and ultimately a loss of defense against cancerous cells.
A pesticide meant to stay within the body for 12 weeks poses other potential problems for the body as well. The active ingredient is designed to collect in fat cells where it resides over time and provides the slow long-term availability of the drug within the blood stream. The problem with that is that “fat cells continuously send dozens of potent chemical signals to tissues throughout the body, including the brain, liver, muscles, reproductive organs and immune system.” (Your Fat Cells Control Your Brain, Huffington Post)
In addition to a barrage of pesticide affects on your dog’s internal workings, there is also the danger of toxic build up over time. When it’s within the dog’s body and is designed to be slowly released over time but is then given again monthly or every three months, the body does not get a chance to fully clear the drug and detox from it’s affects. The danger of toxic build up is especially high in over weight dogs.
Let’s not forget that none of the products given orally for flea and tick prevention have repellant properties and DO NOT prevent disease transmission. They kill the flea or tick within a certain number of hours after the pest bites the dog. Yes, that would reduce flea infestations. Yes, that would reduce bloated ticks falling off and being found within the home. But, your dog can still get Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, West Nile and every other flea and tick borne illness.
Stop the pesticide poisoning of your pet. Use a good, safe repellant at the times of year that matter the most based on the life cycle of the pest. For Ticks in this area the heaviest exposure times are mid-late April through June and until the heat of summer sends ticks seeking cover in wooded and damp areas. Fleas are most active regionally from July through September.
Protect yourself and your dog from pests safely and naturally. There are many essential oil-based products available that work very well as repellants; shields to prevent the tick or flea from even wanting to be on the dog. Yes, they have to be used more regularly and are not as convenient as giving a pill, however, these products don’t negatively affect your dog’s central nervous system nor their precious very complex and not fully understood brain.
If you’re still not convinced, ask Peanut the 8 week old Beagle who was written off for dead three days after Nexguard; the 14 year old dog who, after his third dose of the three month variety, savagely attacked his canine sister after 12 years of being best friends; the golden who started random excessive teeth chattering whenever excited about anything; or ask the American bulldog who randomly one afternoon lost control of his rear legs. (Ataxia – Impaired balance or coordination, can be due to damage to brain, nerves or muscles.) Social media is loaded with thousands of other pet owners who have stories to tell as well.